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Rehearsal Calendar

Rehearsal Conflicts Calendar

Sunday, January 11, 2015

More notes from last week

Happy Sunday Evening Everyone!

A few things... 

This link will take you to a video of original Time and Motion Studies (silent/in black and white)  of Frank Gilbreth:

I still need measurements and bios. Please turn those in ASAP. No later than next Friday. The measurements really need to be in so that costumes can be pulled. 

When you speak, don't lean. Stand up straight and deliver your lines. 

Be where you should be when you should be there. Others are counting on you to come in and/or say things when you're supposed to. Don't leave others hanging. 

Along those lines, pay attention to where we are in the script and be aware of what is going on around you. 

As you're memorizing your lines be sure to think about what you're saying and how it relates to your character, to other characters and to the play itself. If you should be happy, then sound happy when you say the line, and if you're sad, be sad. 

Make sure you're memorizing your lines correctly. It is important that you say the right line at the right time, so that the person who is waiting for their cue can say their line. 

Body language is just as important as how you say your lines. Be sure to express your emotions this way as well. 

If you are waiting to enter the stage, please DO NOT stand by the openings of the doors, stairs, windows, etc... We should never see you. Also, if you're standing behind a door, you run the risk of being hit by the door as a personal leaving the stage exits.  

If you can't speak quietly (a whisper should be the loudest you get) then please do not speak at all when you are backstage or in the auditorium. This is distracting to those on stage. 

Anytime you walk backstage, make sure you are walking as quietly as possible. No clomping around and definitely NO elephants allowed backstage. :) 

Every day, work on saying your lines, by projecting. Remember, the person on the back row needs to hear your lines as well. 

We want to try to make it so that there are no gaps in the action on stage. In other words, as soon as one person exits, another person should enter. There should never be long pauses of silence on stage during Cheaper. 

When you are supposed to enter and exit using the doors on stage, please be sure to actually use the doorknobs. If you push the doors open, you make the set look fake, which will then make the audience forget that they're watching a play. So, please be sure to use the doorknobs. 

If a prop, costume piece, or a set piece does not belong to you, please DO NOT touch it, pick it up, play with it, etc... If a prop does belong to you, be sure you know where it is before the scene and make sure it is returned to its place before when you're through. 

Please remember that you are allotted three (3) unexcused absences and after the third, you may be removed from the play. That said, please look over your calendars now and let us know no later than this coming week if you are not going to be at rehearsal.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Please bring a black shirt (no t-shirts, lettering or patterns, please) with you tomorrow night so that we can get your head shots. Please also arrive as early as possible so that we don't take up too much of rehearsal for head shots. I'll be there as early as 6:30 p.m. If we don't get it before, plan to stay after so that we can take the head shot then. 
If you are in Act One, through page 26, your head shots will be taken Monday (tomorrow, 01/12/2015). 

If you are in Act One, through page 42 and you can't make it Monday, be there Wednesday so that we can get your head shot then. 

If you are in Act Two or you weren't available for head shots on Monday or Wednesday, I will get your head shot on Thursday. 

All remaining head shots will be taken on Friday. 

Once we have costumes and after this coming weekend of set construction, I will start taking photos for publicity. 

That's it for now... So that I know you have read this, please reply with your favorite snack food. 

If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns, please let me know. 

Thank you!


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