Cheaper by the Dozen Logo

Cheaper by the Dozen Logo

Rehearsal Calendar

Rehearsal Conflicts Calendar

Sunday, January 25, 2015

This week...

Hello all! I hope you're having a lovely weekend. 

I didn't hear from parents last week regarding staying backstage to help corral the young folk. I will need to get one volunteer per night to watch the kids per rehearsal/performance night. I prefer to let you volunteer for a night rather than just start assigning, so please be sure to reply and let me know when you're available. I'll have a script for you to follow along, but either JP or I will make sure you're cued to come in appropriately. 

Publicity photos will be either Tuesday (01/27) or Thursday (01/29) depending on which night is best for our photographer. I'll let you know, but please come in and get into costume as soon as you arrive at the theatre, which prepared and have shoes, socks and accessories. It wouldn't hurt to start wearing your hair like you will for the show, either, especially on those nights listed above. For publicity photos, we may stop to take one or two still photos and some will be taken while in action. For the action shots, please try to ignore the camera. 

General house rules about costumes and such (subject to additions):
1. DO NOT eat or drink in your costume. Water is the exception. 
2. DO NOT wear your costume where an audience member might see you (unless specifically given permission to by Eileen; i.e. greeting the audience after the show)
3. Unless you have been instructed to do so, if it is not your costume, prop piece, set piece, or other show-related item, leave it alone. 


Props List: Items remaining

·           Vase (on checker table)

·           Plants in plant stand (set)

·           Pictures (Set)

·           Various knickknacks (Set)

·           1920's (or earlier) stop watch (Dad)

·           Large (1000 x 1000) cross section graph/sheet of paper (Dad) – Judy's friend

·           Handkerchief (Anne)

·           Peanut butter & jelly sandwich (Bill)

·           Thick manuscript (Frank) – Just need the binding

That's all for now. 

Please reply with your favorite song(s) so that I know you have read and understand the e-mail. 

Thank you, 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Notes as of 01/19/2015

***Please read this entire e-mail and reply letting me know you received it and understand it!***

I still need a bio for Kyle and Ian. Please get these to me ASAP. 

Starting next week, I will need to have parental help with the kiddos. Please let me know your availability so that I can set up a schedule. Ideally, I would like to have one parent backstage helping per rehearsal night and throughout performances. I don't know that we need more than that.

If you haven't met with Jill and/or Marian about your costume, please be sure to do so. At the very least, we are hoping to have the family in at least one costume so that we can take publicity photos on Thursday. Everyone needs to find out which style of shoes to wear, and if you have any accessories that go along with your costumes. This weekend, we will try and set up a place for you to change in the dressing rooms. 

This is a list of what's left to get for props. Please ask around and see if anyone you know has or has access to any of these items: 

Props List: Items remaining

  •          Vase w/flowers (on checkers table)
  •          Plants in plant stand (set)
  •          Tall corner cabinet (or whatnot) (Set)
  •          Pictures (Set)
  •          Various knickknacks (Set)
  •          Package containing flimsy underwear and silk stockings (desk drawer)
  •          1920's (or earlier) stop watch (Dad)
  •          Five small manicure sets (Dad)
  •          Four jack knives (Dad)
  •          Large (1000 x 1000) cross section graph/sheet of paper (Dad)
  •          Handkerchief (Anne)
  •          Peanut butter & jelly sandwich (Bill)
  •          Period appropriate papers (tests), pencil(s) and note pad (Miss Brill)
  •          Thick manuscript (Frank)
  •          Report cards (Desk)
  •        Large lollipop (Lillian) – Check Cracker Barrel 

Thankfully, the laundry list of items to complete for work calls is getting smaller and smaller; however, there are still things to do. To those of you who have been there, thank you. We really appreciate it! Especially to those of you who have attended several. To those of you who haven't been yet, please consider stopping by to help. Remember, you don't have to stay all day and there are plenty of things to help with, so any time you can give is greatly appreciated! Not to mention, Leany's been making some souper (see what I did there) awesome soups and breads for us to eat. 

If you are one of the Gilbreth family members, please be sure to send me your baby pictures. If you want to scan them in, that is perfectly fine with me. If you don't want to or can't, bring the hard copies. I'll scan them in and get them back to you. 

If you want to practice enunciation using a tongue twister, try "Judicious Decision"!

  • If a word is in italics, that means to emphasize that word.
  • If there is a line after a word--- If you are the person following this kind of line, you should come in sooner, almost before the line is finished; then if you are the person saying the line, you should think of something to say after the "---" in the event that the person following that line doesn't come in in time. 
  • Kids: remember all the times you're supposed to be noisy...and be noisy. 
Look over your lines and make sure you're saying each line correctly. Try not to paraphrase, since this could confuse someone who is waiting for your line to say theirs or enter the stage. 

Be careful not to anticipate lines, saying them before they are supposed to be said.

Make sure you're paying attention to what's happening on stage. If you start staring off into space or looking into the audience then the audience will know that you're not invested in the scene and then they'll lose interest as well. 

Make sure you fully understand the lines you're saying and make sure you're putting emotions/actions behind them. Don't just say a line because it was in the script. 

Make sure you're practicing saying your lines out loud at home. This will make you more comfortable with how you say them on stage.

Stop fidgeting, plant yourself...don't move! :) 

Pick up your cues faster. 

Try to lose your scripts ASAP. I will be on script, so if you need to call lines, do so. That said... if you need a line, say "Line." Don't stand there hemming and hawing or grumble at me or what have you. 

Okay, folks, I think that's it. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, let me know. 

You're all doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work!

Thank you!



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Info...and Reminders

Hello all! 

BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS. I need bios. Please get them to me. I know I've sent the link in at least two e-mails and there is even a form you can fill out on the blog. NOTE: You CANNOT see the form if you are looking at the blog using your phone. Sorry. 

As a reminder, Gilbreth children, please remember to (or have your parents) check and see if you have a baby picture for us to make "vintage" and use onstage. I just need a scanned image. If you bring a hard copy, I can scan it myself and return it to you. No baby photo will be harmed in this production! :) 

Also, tomorrow (Wednesday, 01/14/2015) we are running through the second half of act one. Those who are supposed to be there...see you tomorrow! 

Thank you!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

More notes from last week

Happy Sunday Evening Everyone!

A few things... 

This link will take you to a video of original Time and Motion Studies (silent/in black and white)  of Frank Gilbreth:

I still need measurements and bios. Please turn those in ASAP. No later than next Friday. The measurements really need to be in so that costumes can be pulled. 

When you speak, don't lean. Stand up straight and deliver your lines. 

Be where you should be when you should be there. Others are counting on you to come in and/or say things when you're supposed to. Don't leave others hanging. 

Along those lines, pay attention to where we are in the script and be aware of what is going on around you. 

As you're memorizing your lines be sure to think about what you're saying and how it relates to your character, to other characters and to the play itself. If you should be happy, then sound happy when you say the line, and if you're sad, be sad. 

Make sure you're memorizing your lines correctly. It is important that you say the right line at the right time, so that the person who is waiting for their cue can say their line. 

Body language is just as important as how you say your lines. Be sure to express your emotions this way as well. 

If you are waiting to enter the stage, please DO NOT stand by the openings of the doors, stairs, windows, etc... We should never see you. Also, if you're standing behind a door, you run the risk of being hit by the door as a personal leaving the stage exits.  

If you can't speak quietly (a whisper should be the loudest you get) then please do not speak at all when you are backstage or in the auditorium. This is distracting to those on stage. 

Anytime you walk backstage, make sure you are walking as quietly as possible. No clomping around and definitely NO elephants allowed backstage. :) 

Every day, work on saying your lines, by projecting. Remember, the person on the back row needs to hear your lines as well. 

We want to try to make it so that there are no gaps in the action on stage. In other words, as soon as one person exits, another person should enter. There should never be long pauses of silence on stage during Cheaper. 

When you are supposed to enter and exit using the doors on stage, please be sure to actually use the doorknobs. If you push the doors open, you make the set look fake, which will then make the audience forget that they're watching a play. So, please be sure to use the doorknobs. 

If a prop, costume piece, or a set piece does not belong to you, please DO NOT touch it, pick it up, play with it, etc... If a prop does belong to you, be sure you know where it is before the scene and make sure it is returned to its place before when you're through. 

Please remember that you are allotted three (3) unexcused absences and after the third, you may be removed from the play. That said, please look over your calendars now and let us know no later than this coming week if you are not going to be at rehearsal.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Please bring a black shirt (no t-shirts, lettering or patterns, please) with you tomorrow night so that we can get your head shots. Please also arrive as early as possible so that we don't take up too much of rehearsal for head shots. I'll be there as early as 6:30 p.m. If we don't get it before, plan to stay after so that we can take the head shot then. 
If you are in Act One, through page 26, your head shots will be taken Monday (tomorrow, 01/12/2015). 

If you are in Act One, through page 42 and you can't make it Monday, be there Wednesday so that we can get your head shot then. 

If you are in Act Two or you weren't available for head shots on Monday or Wednesday, I will get your head shot on Thursday. 

All remaining head shots will be taken on Friday. 

Once we have costumes and after this coming weekend of set construction, I will start taking photos for publicity. 

That's it for now... So that I know you have read this, please reply with your favorite snack food. 

If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns, please let me know. 

Thank you!


Friday, January 9, 2015

Cheaper by the Dozen Notes 01-08-2015:

Hello All, 

Just a few things... So that I know you've read this and understand, please reply with your favorite color. :) 

As you're going through your script (looking over your blocking, memorizing your lines, working on enunciation and projection, etc...) be sure to take note of things like props and costume pieces. Start thinking of things like, "do I have a quick change?" "Should I have ________ to use for this scene?" ...and so on. If you have any questions about the show we are always willing to answer them. Just ask. Remember, there are no dumb questions. 

Gilbreth Children: If you would, please bring in a baby photo of you. If they still make them, the kind the hospital provides would be perfect. If not, I just need one of you alone and sitting upright if at all possible. I want to age the pictures and if we can make them look right, maybe we can use them on stage, in frames. 

HS/Photography means Head Shots and Photography. I placed this on each date of the calendar next week so that you knew that you didn't have to come in on a day when you weren't needed, just to get your headshot taken. In other words, if you are only needed for Act 2 or 3, you only need to show up on one (1) of those dates ready to have your photo taken. 
WHAT TO WEAR: Black shirt (any style other than t-shirt), NO writing on it and preferably no patterns.

I still need bios for: 


I still need measurements for: 


Make sure you are speaking naturally. Try to eliminate big gaps in conversations and make sure your timing is quick. 

Don't upstage any other actor. To upstage someone is to make someone turn upstage to speak to you. 

Make sure you are going over your lines. Learn them as quickly as possible, but make sure you're saying them correctly. There are many great methods to learn your lines. For instance, you can record yourself saying your lines and/or you can record yourself saying everyone else's lines while you mouth your lines in between. You can also write your lines out (and over and over). Another way is to say the lines enough that you can closer your eyes and say them seven times over and over without messing them up. can find a line partner and have them read everyone else's part(s) or their own, while you say yours. While you aren't on stage, you should do this with your fellow actors. 

Any time rehearsal is going on, please remain VERY quiet. This means that you whisper if you speak at all.

Please, always follow along in the script and always be aware of where we are in rehearsal. Be in your place prior to your entrance or spoken cue.

Remember, it is encouraged (and definitely appreciated) that you and/or your family/friends attend work calls. If we all show up and lend a hand, we should be able to finish up in the next two weeks. This would be great, because it would give us a lot of time to use a fully functioning stage (and hopefully props). 

WORK CALL TO DO LIST for this weekend: 
Add step behind window so that Seth can climb in through the window
Fix the sofa, so it doesn't feel like it's going to break when you sit on it. 
Move the entire window unit SR. 
Finish building out the window unit, including a window seat. 
Bannister for stairs
Fix the site lines on the stairs
Fix the site line out the hallway door (SL)
Paint the walls of the house
Paint the stairs
Continue to decorate the set

PROPS NEEDED as of right now: 

Props Needed:

Book (upstairs)

Manicure Set (5) – Dollar Tree

Jack Knives (5) – Dollar Tree

1920's or before umbrella

Sandwich (peanut butter, if not allergic)

Papers (tests)

Pencils (prefer period accurate)

Note pad (prefer period accurate)

Thick manuscript (typed?)

Large floppy hat

Large lollipop

Nail studded piece of board (shop?)

Real checker game/board

Vintage lingere box/package w/flimsy underwear and silk stockings

Desk (vintage)


Plants in plant stand

Smaller Victorian rug

Dad's cane (Victorian, nice)

Three large packages (victrolas) wrapped in brown paper

Vintage stop watch

Pocket watch

Large sheet of paper (cross-section graph)

At long last, I think that's it for now. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know. 

Thank you for reading! 



Sunday, January 4, 2015

Message from Eileen

 Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! The set is off to a great start and things are looking good.
   Monday night starts our rehearsals, so just a reminder, if you are in the scene that we are doing that night, you must come in. Even if you do not have any/many lines, if your character is on stage, then you must be there. So I expect every Gilbreth child in the show to be there.
   We will be blocking all this week so be sure to bring your pencils and scripts ( as you always should) to write down your blocking.
   Be sure to fill out your forms for the bios and costumes this week and get them to Jared.
Alright,  see you on Monday!