Cheaper by the Dozen Logo

Cheaper by the Dozen Logo

Rehearsal Calendar

Rehearsal Conflicts Calendar

Monday, December 29, 2014

Hair Styles & Cutting

Hello All,

Please bear in mind that this show takes place in a time where hair looked a specific way, so there are a few things we need you to note with regard to your hair.

  • Girls should have long hair.
  • Boys hair can be shorter on the sides but it needs to be longer on top so that it can be parted.
  • Women's hair was long, but typically put up.
  • Men's styles were generally similar to boys, longer on top than on the sides.

Please use this guide when having your hair cut.

Thank you,



One more thing...

If you are on Facebook, please follow the link below and add yourself to the event I have created for Cheaper by the Dozen. Then, copy/paste the link into your Status, e-mail it to your friends, etc... please go ahead and start getting the words out about the show. I suspect everyone will want to see it! 

Alternately, you should also be able to invite people. I'm pretty sure I selected it so that others can invite friends. If not, let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

You should also be able to download the event photo on the event page in case you wanted to post that onto your facebook pages as well. 

I'm on Facebook as well. If you want, please feel free to add me.

Thank you all! 


Hello All!

I hope that all of your holidays have been merry and bright and that you all have a safe, joyous New Year's celebration! 

I also hope all the time you've spent working on your characters and learning lines while you've been away has paid off. I don't know about you, but I'm excited to get things rolling. 

Speaking of, don't forget... the first work call is slated for this upcoming Saturday, January 3, 2015. It will start at 10:00 a.m. In the event that you can't make it to this one, never fear, there will be others. 

One more thing about the blog. Some of you may try to access it on your mobile/smart devices. You can only access a limited number of items using this method. If you want to see the full site, which includes forms and calendars, you have to switch to full web page. There is a link for that on the mobile site. 

Reminder: there are a few forms that need to be filed out ASAP. I'll paste them all below. Thank you to everyone who has filled them out! I'm also including the help form for those of you who have family and friends who are interested in helping. I hope to have a list compiled and to have e-mailed them all by next week, so that we can start assigning people to tasks.

Here are the links (they can also be accessed on the blog): 

Female/Girl Measurement Chart:


Male/Boy Measurement Chart:


Biography Form:


Overall Help List:

If any of you have comments, questions or concerns, please let me know, I will be happy to help. 

Thank you!


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Backstage and Front of House Help


If you or anyone you know is interested in helping out backstage or in one of our front of house positions (as well), please follow/send them the following link, which will take you/them to a form that can be filled out. I want to try and get a list of everyone who is interested and what they're interested in doing so that I can start lining up help. 

The Link: 

Thank you all!  See you all shortly. 


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How to use the blog...

Southside Theatre Guild - Cheaper by the Dozen Cast List

Hello All, 

First, we, Jared and I would like to send our heartfelt thanks to Martha for her organizing skills and talents in having the auditions run so smoothly. 

Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful turn out for the auditions! You were all great! Unfortunately, I had some tough decisions to make, but we do have a fantastic cast! 

If you weren't cast this time, please continue to come back and audition for future shows.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the production of the show would be welcome! Feel free to reply to this e-mail to let us know that you are interested in helping out and how you'd like to help. 

NOTE: Please reply to let us know that you do/do not accept your role. 

Okay, here we go! 


Dad, Mr. Gilbreth............. Lance Smith
Mother, Mrs. Gilbreth....... Natalie Kohlhaas
Anne............................... Kat Moran
Ernestine........................ Lily Smith
Martha............................ Sydney Willard
Frank.............................. Coleman Oates
Bill.................................. Ian Hopper
Lillian.............................. Sage Smith
Fred............................... Seth Moan
Dan................................ Brandon Bender
Jackie............................. Sarah Gardner

Larry............................... Kyle Epstein
Joe Scales...................... Tyree Jones
Dr. Burton....................... Bert Lyons
Miss Brill......................... Michele Maddux
Mrs. Fitzgerald................ Linda Cochran

Check the Blog for the cast at: